Always on show

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Modern and contemporary art

In the Quist wing on the ground floor of the museum, you will find a fantastic selection from our permanent collection. It's a wonderful mix of paintings, photos, and sculptures by Brabant artists with an international body of work, such as Mark Manders, Henk Visch, René Daniëls, Jolanda van Gennip, and JCJ Vanderheyden. Right now, you can also marvel at a number of recent acquisitions of works by Thomas Trum, Eelco Brand, and Gijs van Lith, among others.

Who are these artists?

Will and Jan van Hoof Art Prize Noord-Brabant

This prize is awarded each year to a Brabant artist of proven talent. As well as being a mark of recognition, the prize is also a stimulus: the winner receives a grant or commission for the collection of Het Noordbrabants Museum. This prize is a collaboration between the Will en Jan van Hoof Fund and Het Noordbrabants Museum. Previous winners were Jenny Ymker, Michaël de Kok, Margriet Luyten, Eelco Brand and L.J.A.D. Creyghton.

Brabantse Nieuwe

The Garden Gallery provides a well-deserved podium for young and talented Brabant artists. This exhibition series is an opportunity for us, as a museum, to showcase the dynamic art climate in Brabant. 

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